Kickoff Workshop BilD

Digital Era Literacies for the LifeLong Learner

All interested researchers are very welcome to the Kick off Workshop organized by the ForBilD-Group.

Hot and timely topics related to the skills and competencies necessary for Lifelong Learning in (and after) the 21st-century will be tackled. The goal is to connect with the participants with focus on generating ideas, future research directions and common interests.


10:00           Opening and Welcome
10:15           Presentation of common goals ForBilD
10:45           Follow up discussion with participants
11:00           Coffee-break & Stretching
11:15           Academic speed dating
12:15           Lunch
13:15           Workgroup 1: Learning Analytics for Collaborative Contexts
14:30           Workgroup 2: Merging Informal and Formal Learning Contexts
15:45           Next steps and Closing (16:00)

Academic speed dating

With the academic speed dating we want to connect interested scientists across disciplines. Here are the conditions for participation:

  • Please come prepared to describe your research in 2 minutes or less.
  • You present you and your current research with the help of two slides (Affiliation/ Interests/Research Topics/ I can provide…/ I am looking for…)
  • After five presentations (=10 minutes) we do a short Q&A session.
  • After the workshop we ask you to send us the slides, which we will then pass on to the participants of the workshop for networking purposes.

Workgroup 1
Learning Analytics for Collaborative Contexts

This workgroup will explore the use of computational methods for the analysis of collaborative activities that target content composition, knowledge building and information synthesis with the aim to model learning processes.

Workgroup 2
Merging Informal and Formal Learning Contexts

This workgroup will discuss the use of digital technologies – from fitness trackers to social media – for supporting continuous learning inside and outside the classroom.

Die Veranstaltung ist beendet.


Dez. 20 2021


10:00 - 16:00

Lokale Uhrzeit

  • Zeitzone: America/New_York
  • Datum: Dez. 20 2021
  • Zeit: 04:00 - 10:00

Mehr Info

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Bildungsforschung


Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Bildungsforschung
(0201) 183-4949
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